Natural Remedies for Tongue Ulcers


Dr. Aditi Rathod Chougule

Dr. Aditi Rathod Chougule


Specialised in Aesthetic Dentistry

Canker sores, another name for tongue ulcers, are incredibly uncomfortable and can cause significant problems in daily activities. It can be painful to eat, drink, or speak when there are these sore on side of tongue or the tissue inside the mouth. Although they usually heal in a week or two on their own, tongue ulcer home remedies can help reduce discomfort and improve the healing process. We’ll look at a number of at-home tongue ulcer home remedies in this blog.

Tongue ulcers and causes

Before going into tongue ulcer treatment at home, it is essential to understand what tongue ulcers are and what causes them. Tongue ulcers are small, painful lesions that form on the tongue or inside the mouth. They can be different in size and shape, typically appearing as white or yellowish spots surrounded by a red border. Several factors cause tongue ulcers, including.

Trauma: Accidentally biting the tongue, cheek, or lip can cause Tongue ulcers, and dental appliances like braces or retainers can also lead to the formation of ulcers.

Poor oral hygiene: Unhygienic habits may promote an environment that is favourable to the development of sore on side of tongue.

Acidic or Spicy Foods: Eating or drinking acidic or spicy foods can irritate the tissues and cause canker sore on tongue.

Stress: Emotional stress and anxiety weaken the immune system of our body, which increases the possibility of forming a canker sore on tongue.

Hormonal changes: Canker sores on tongue may be more common in people who experience hormonal changes, such as those that happen during menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause.

Medical condition: nutritional deficiencies like vitamin B12, iron, or folate deficiency can lead to the formation of tongue ulcers. Tissue-specific immune systems, gastrointestinal conditions (such as Crohn’s disease and celiac disease), and viruses (like the herpes simplex virus) can all cause tongue ulcers.

Natural Remedies for Tongue Ulcers

Let’s now look at some effective tongue ulcer treatment at home that soothe tongue ulcers and encourage quicker healing:

  • Saltwater Rinse

Mix a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, rinse your mouth with warm water for 30 to 60 seconds, then spit it out. Repeat this process for several times a day to reduce inflammation and promote healing.

  • Honey

Directly apply a small amount of honey to the ulcer, rest it for a while, and then rinse your mouth with water. Honey acts as a natural antibacterial agent and helps to assist in calming the ulcer and encouraging recovery of tongue ulcer

  • Aloe Vera

Extract aloe vera gel from the leaf, apply it directly to the affected area, and leave it for several minutes. Aloe vera has healing and anti-inflammatory qualities that can help with pain and discomfort.

  • Coconut Oil

Take a tablespoon of coconut oil and swish it in your mouth for 10 to 15 minutes, then spit it out and rinse your mouth with normal water. Because of its antimicrobial qualities, coconut oil can help reduce inflammation and accelerate healing. Also, use coconut oil on a ball of cotton in the region of tongue ulcers, which helps to reduce the bulging of the ulcer. Just leave it for 15 minutes, then use normal water and rinse.

  • Turmeric

Mix the turmeric powder with water and make it a paste, then apply it to the affected area for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse with normal water, which helps to reduce the pain. Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties promote healing

  • Licorice Root

As with turmeric, Licorice root also helps in healing tongue ulcers. Just chew a piece or make a powder, mix it with water, and apply the paste to the affected area.

  • Chamomile Tea

Make tea with chamomile and allow it to cool for a while. Rinse your mouth with the cooled tea several times a day, which can help heal faster.

  • Clove oil

Clove oil is well known for its ability to relieve pain. After diluting it with a carrier oil, also known as base oil or vegetable oil, apply the oil to the affected area with cotton.

  • Ice packs

Use ice packs to relieve the pain of tongue ulcers. An ice cube offers a numbing sensation to the tongue ulcer region. After a meal, gently apply an ice pack to the affected area to get better results.


Although tongue ulcer treatment at home provides a safe and effective means of reducing discomfort and accelerating healing, tongue ulcers can be excruciating. Many options are available, including honey, aloe vera, and coconut oil for saltwater rinses. But it’s essential to see a doctor for further examination and therapy if tongue ulcers don’t go away or get worse after trying these fixes. With the proper care and attention, you can relieve the discomfort caused by tongue ulcers and resume having a pain-free mouth.

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